Day 4&5 - swing!

The past couple of days have included modelling the main character's guitar and doing some animations for it. All the art is coming together very nicely. The past day has been focused on game mechanics. I've started out working on my melee combo system, it's fairly basic but making a combo system in a visual scripting language is not the most elegant process.

Some technical details on the current combo system:

This is purely core Game Creator 2 (GC2) with a single custom action that i have already uploaded to the GC2 community HUB. The whole thing is based on what im calling 'sequences' which are basically a set of states indicating which stage of a combo you're in (attack 1, 2, 3, etc) which then lets the system figure out which attack to play next based on the input you press (or will timeout if you miss the combo window)

Current features include :

stringing different inputs together for combos (i have LMB, RMB and 'Q' currently as light, medium and power attacks)  

individual timing for length of attack and combo window

popup key indicators to show which keys are valid inputs to continue the combo

audio triggers for start attack and end attack (edited)

Get MySpace - A Rock Legend - game jam edition

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